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The Lantern Festival is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated on the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar, also known as Shangyuan Festival, Little New Year, Yuanxiao Festival, or Lantern Festival. It is traditionally a reunion festival, and in the past, people used to have a continuous holiday from the Chinese New Year until the Lantern Festival. With the changes in modern times, the Lantern Festival is now separated from the Chinese New Year, but many interesting traditional customs are still preserved! The customs of the Lantern Festival include the following:

  • 賞燈 Lantern Viewing



Lantern viewing is the central custom of the Lantern Festival. In ancient times, people used to decorate with lanterns and colorful ornaments on the night of the fifteenth day of the first lunar month to drive away pests and pray for a bountiful harvest. Over time, this tradition evolved into the lantern viewing activities of the Lantern Festival.

There is a wide variety of lanterns during the Lantern Festival, including palace lanterns, silk lanterns, carousel lanterns, Kongming lanterns, and more. Riddles are often written on the lanterns, inviting people to guess the answers. Guessing lantern riddles is a fun activity that sharpens one's thinking skills.

  • 吃湯圓 Eating Tangyuan



Eating Tangyuan is another significant custom of the Lantern Festival. Tangyuan is a round dumpling made from glutinous rice, symbolizing family reunion and happiness.

Tangyuan can have sweet or savory fillings. Sweet fillings include sesame, red bean paste, and date paste, while savory fillings may consist of meat, vegetables, shrimp, and more. People can choose different fillings based on their preferences.

  • 猜燈謎 Guessing Lantern Riddles


Riddle lantern guessing is an essential and enjoyable activity during the Lantern Festival. Television programs often incorporate this element, where the host presents riddles for the audience to guess. The riddles are usually related to the Lantern Festival or lanterns. Families gather for a reunion dinner, adding to the fun by participating in riddle guessing together.

  • 舞龍舞獅 Dragon and Lion Dance



Dragon and lion dances are traditional performance activities during the Lantern Festival. Both the dragon and lion are traditional symbols of good luck in China, representing auspiciousness and happiness.

On the day of the Lantern Festival, people perform dragon and lion dances in the streets and alleys to celebrate the festival.

  • 踩高蹺 Stilt Walking



Stilt walking is a traditional folk acrobatic skill. Individuals on stilts can perform various actions while standing on these tall poles, making it a very entertaining activity.

On the day of the Lantern Festival, people engage in stilt walking in the streets and alleys to celebrate the festival.

  • 划旱船 Dry Land Rowing




Dry land rowing is a traditional folk dance. Participants in dry land rowing hold colorful paddles and simulate rowing movements on dry ground, creating a lively and amusing performance.

On the day of the Lantern Festival, people engage in dry land rowing in the streets and alleys to celebrate the festival.

These are the traditional customs of the Lantern Festival, reflecting people's aspirations and pursuit of a better life.


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發表於 2024-02-02 最後更新於 2024-02-03


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