
今日精選 10 句英文例句,請先看英文句子,仔細思考中文意思,再顯示中文看答案。
Lemongrass is distributed in southern India and Sri Lanka.
This clothing store has a lot of light red clothes.
Markdown sales are not necessarily attractive enough in this day and age.
My dinner is a plate of fried rice vermicelli and a bowl of pork ball soup, a very authentic snack.
Bacon after being pan-fried will become small.
Canola oil accounts for about 15% of global edible oil consumption.
I have never entered a bank vault.
It takes some skill to boil the spaghetti.
I like to eat oatmeal with creamy taste.
If you want to learn to make a pastry, you must learn to use low-gluten flour.
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