仙境般美景的英文說法(原圖由 TripperWay旅遊授權使用)
- Like a fairyland(猶如仙境或宛如仙境)
- Enchanting landscape(迷人的風景)
- Heavenly scenery(天上般的風景)
- Serene panorama(寧靜的全景)
- Picturesque views(如畫般的景色)
- Breathtaking landscapes(令人嘆為觀止的景色)
- Fairytale-like setting(童話般的景色設定)
- Dreamy scenery(如夢幻般的美境)
The scenery of the mountain valley is like a fairyland with cascading waterfalls and misty clouds.
山谷裡的景色猶如仙境,有著飛瀑流泉和迷離的雲霧。 -
Walking through the fields of blooming flowers, I felt as if I had stepped into a fairyland.
走在盛開的花田中,我感覺自己猶如進入了一個仙境。 -
The ancient temple shrouded in a veil of mist looked like a fairyland from a dream.
古老的寺廟被一層薄霧籠罩著,看起來像是一個來自夢境中的仙境。 -
The scenery of the emerald green lake, surrounded by towering mountains, is truly like a fairyland.
綠色湖泊被高聳的山脈所包圍,這樣的景色真的像是一個仙境。 -
The quaint village nestled in the lush green hills is like a fairyland that time forgot.
蜿蜒在綠色山丘之中的古色古香的村落,猶如時間遺忘的仙境。 -
The crystal clear waterfall, surrounded by vibrant wildflowers, is a scene straight out of a fairyland.
被繽紅的野花包圍著的清澈瀑布,就像從仙境中走出來的景象。 -
The mist-shrouded forest, with its towering trees and winding streams, is a place that feels like a fairyland.
被薄霧籠罩的森林,高聳的樹木和蜿蜒的小溪,讓人感覺置身於仙境。 -
The snow-covered landscape, with its glistening ice formations and frozen lakes, is like a magical winter fairyland.
被白雪覆蓋的景色,閃耀著冰晶和凍結的湖泊,宛如一個神奇的冬季仙境。 -
The colorful coral reef, teeming with exotic fish and marine creatures, is a breathtaking underwater fairyland.
充滿異國魚類和海洋生物的彩色珊瑚礁,是一個令人屏息的水下仙境。 -
The castle perched atop the rocky hill, surrounded by rolling green hills and misty moors, is a sight that looks straight out of a fairyland.