state of mind名詞
My state of mind is so calm and peaceful when I'm surrounded by nature.
當我身處自然環境時,我的心境非常平靜和寧靜。 -
The constant stress of work has put me in a negative state of mind lately.
最近工作的持續壓力讓我處於一個消極的心境中。 -
Listening to music always puts me in a positive state of mind.
聽音樂總是能讓我處於一個積極的心境中。 -
The beautiful sunset filled me with a sense of peace and tranquility, and put me in a peaceful state of mind.
美麗的日落給我帶來了平靜和安寧的感覺,讓我處於一個平和的心境中。 -
Traveling to new places always puts me in an adventurous state of mind.
去新的地方旅行總是能讓我處於一個冒險的心境中。 -
Being surrounded by negativity can really affect your state of mind.
被負面的氛圍所包圍真的會影響你的心境。 -
A positive state of mind can have a big impact on your overall health and well-being.
積極的心境對你的整體健康和福祉有很大的影響。 -
Meditation has been shown to have a positive effect on one's state of mind.
冥想已被證明對人的心境有積極的影響。 -
The state of mind you have in the morning can set the tone for your entire day.
早上的心境可以決定你整天的情緒和氛圍。 -
Sometimes it's important to take a step back and evaluate your state of mind before making important decisions.
仙境般美景的英文說法(原圖由 TripperWay旅遊授權使用)
有的時候到一些風景名勝欣賞各種夢幻或猶如仙境般的美景,總是會想用各種優美的詞句來形容這些美景,透過構圖完美的照片及貼切的文字描述,可以傳達更貼切的旅遊感受,也可以為自己記錄當時看到美景的心境,這篇就教你如何用英文 ...