flower field名詞
The flower field was a riot of colors with blooms of every hue.
這片花田彩繪了萬紫千紅的色彩,盛開著各種顏色的花朵。 -
Walking through the flower field, the air was thick with the sweet fragrance of blossoms.
穿過花田,空氣中瀰漫著甜蜜的花香。 -
The sight of the vast flower field stretching out to the horizon was breathtaking.
眼前延伸到地平線的廣闊花田,令人驚嘆。 -
The flower field was a photographer's paradise with its picturesque scenery.
這片花田是攝影師的天堂,其風景美不勝收。 -
Wandering through the flower field, I was lost in the beauty of nature.
漫步花田,我迷失在大自然的美麗中。 -
The flower field was a sea of flowers, each bloom more vibrant than the last.
花田如同一片花的海洋,每一朵花都比上一朵更加繽紛。 -
Standing in the middle of the flower field, I felt like I was in a dream.
站在花田中央,我感覺自己像在夢境中一樣。 -
The flower field was alive with the buzzing of bees and the fluttering of butterflies.
花田中嗡嗡的蜜蜂和翩翩飛舞的蝴蝶,讓這裡充滿了生命力。 -
The flower field was a peaceful sanctuary, far from the chaos of the city.
花田是一個寧靜的避難所,遠離城市的喧囂。 -
The flower field was a place of serenity and beauty, a natural wonder to be treasured.
仙境般美景的英文說法(原圖由 TripperWay旅遊授權使用)
有的時候到一些風景名勝欣賞各種夢幻或猶如仙境般的美景,總是會想用各種優美的詞句來形容這些美景,透過構圖完美的照片及貼切的文字描述,可以傳達更貼切的旅遊感受,也可以為自己記錄當時看到美景的心境,這篇就教你如何用英文 ...