[名詞] dream;[形容詞] dreamlike
- The dreamy sunset cast a golden glow over the ocean.
夢幻的日落為大海增添了金色的光輝。 - She looked absolutely dreamy in her flowy white dress.
她穿著飄逸的白色裙子看上去十分夢幻。 - The dreamy atmosphere of the garden made me feel like I was in a fairytale.
花園裡夢幻的氛圍讓我感覺像是置身於童話故事之中。 - The dreamy melody of the music transported me to a different world.
音樂夢幻的旋律將我帶到了一個不同的世界。 - The dreamy mist that hung over the mountains created an otherworldly landscape.
懸浮在山上的夢幻薄霧創造了一個超凡脫俗的風景。 - The painting had a dreamy quality to it, as if the scene were not quite real.
這幅畫有一種夢幻的質感,就好像那個場景不是完全真實的一樣。 - Her dreamy eyes were the color of the sea on a stormy day.
她夢幻的眼睛有著風雨天時大海的顏色。 - The dreamy scent of the flowers filled the air.
花朵夢幻的香氣充滿了空氣。 - The dreamy architecture of the castle was straight out of a fairytale.
城堡夢幻的建築風格就像從童話故事裡走出來一樣。 - The dreamy quality of the film made it difficult to distinguish reality from fantasy.
一見鍾情是一種非常夢幻且浪漫的感覺,不知道各位有沒有這樣的經驗,當你看到一個讓你第一眼就迷上的人,彷彿這個世界都因他而整個變美了,只要沒看到這個人,心裡就會一直想他,有點懷疑又隱約覺得自己似乎愛上對方了,這大概就是一見鍾情的感覺, ...
仙境般美景的英文說法(原圖由 TripperWay旅遊授權使用)
有的時候到一些風景名勝欣賞各種夢幻或猶如仙境般的美景,總是會想用各種優美的詞句來形容這些美景,透過構圖完美的照片及貼切的文字描述,可以傳達更貼切的旅遊感受,也可以為自己記錄當時看到美景的心境,這篇就教你如何用英文 ...