
Fairy tale名詞


  1. The story of Cinderella is one of the most famous fairy tales of all time.
  2. The fairy tale of Little Red Riding Hood tells the story of a young girl and a cunning wolf.
  3. The fairy tale of Beauty and the Beast is a tale of love and redemption.
  4. Hans Christian Andersen is known for writing some of the most beloved fairy tales, including The Little Mermaid and The Snow Queen.
  5. The fairy tale of The Ugly Duckling teaches the lesson that beauty is only skin deep.
  6. The fairy tale of Jack and the Beanstalk tells the story of a young boy who climbs a giant beanstalk to a magical land in the sky.
  7. The Grimm Brothers were famous for collecting and publishing some of the most popular fairy tales, including Snow White and Rapunzel.
  8. The fairy tale of The Three Little Pigs tells the story of three pigs who build houses to protect themselves from a hungry wolf.
  9. The fairy tale of Alice in Wonderland follows the adventures of a young girl who falls down a rabbit hole and discovers a world of whimsy and wonder.


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