The beautiful garden is surrounded by a white picket fence.
這座美麗的花園被一道白色的柵欄環繞著。 -
The small village is surrounded by rolling hills and green fields.
這個小村莊被起伏的山丘和綠色的田野環繞著。 -
The castle was surrounded by a moat to keep enemies at bay.
這座城堡被護城河環繞,以防止敵人的攻擊。 -
The children were surrounded by toys and books, but they still complained of boredom.
孩子們被玩具和書籍包環繞,但他們仍然抱怨無聊。 -
The musician was surrounded by adoring fans after the concert.
音樂家在演唱會結束後被歌迷們環繞著,表示愛戴。 -
The tiny island is surrounded by crystal clear waters teeming with marine life.
這個小島被清澈晶瑩的水所環繞,還有豐富的海洋生物。 -
The old church is surrounded by a peaceful cemetery.
這座古老的教堂被一個平靜的墓地所環繞。 -
The skyscraper was surrounded by scaffolding as workers carried out repairs.
摩天大樓被鷹架環繞,工人們正在進行修繕工作。 -
The company president was surrounded by bodyguards at all times for security reasons.
出於安全考慮,公司總裁時刻都被保鏢環繞著。 -
The hikers were surrounded by towering mountains and dense forests as they made their way through the wilderness.
仙境般美景的英文說法(原圖由 TripperWay旅遊授權使用)
有的時候到一些風景名勝欣賞各種夢幻或猶如仙境般的美景,總是會想用各種優美的詞句來形容這些美景,透過構圖完美的照片及貼切的文字描述,可以傳達更貼切的旅遊感受,也可以為自己記錄當時看到美景的心境,這篇就教你如何用英文 ...