mountain range名詞
The Himalayas is the highest mountain range in the world.
喜馬拉雅山脈是世界上最高的山脈。 -
We hiked through the Rocky Mountains last summer.
去年夏天,我們穿越了落基山脈。 -
The Andes is the longest mountain range in the world.
安第斯山脈是世界上最長的山脈。 -
The Alps are known for their beautiful scenery and ski resorts.
阿爾卑斯山脈以其美麗的風景和滑雪勝地而聞名。 -
The Appalachian Mountains run through the eastern United States.
阿巴拉契亞山脈橫跨美國東部。 -
The mountain range was covered in a thick blanket of snow.
山脈被一層厚厚的雪覆蓋著。 -
We could see the sun rising over the mountain range in the distance.
我們可以看到太陽從遠處的山脈升起。 -
The Sierra Nevada mountain range is located in California.
塞拉尼瓦達山脈位於加利福尼亞州。 -
The mountain range stretches for hundreds of miles.
山脈延伸數百英里。 -
The Rocky Mountains are home to many species of wildlife.
I am traveling. - 我正在旅行。
I am on a trip. - 我在旅途中。
I a ...
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仙境般美景的英文說法(原圖由 TripperWay旅遊授權使用)
有的時候到一些風景名勝欣賞各種夢幻或猶如仙境般的美景,總是會想用各種優美的詞句來形容這些美景,透過構圖完美的照片及貼切的文字描述,可以傳達更貼切的旅遊感受,也可以為自己記錄當時看到美景的心境,這篇就教你如何用英文 ...