- She was like an angel sent from heaven, always helping those in distress.
她就像是一位天使派遣自天堂,總是幫助那些困難中的人。 - The little girl's laughter was music to his ears, like the laughter of an angel.
小女孩的笑聲對他來說就像是天使的笑聲,如同音樂般美妙。 - In times of trouble, her words were a soothing balm, as if spoken by an angel.
在困難時刻,她的話語就像是天使的聲音,能夠撫慰人心。 - His kindness and generosity earned him the nickname "the neighborhood angel.
他的善良和慷慨使他贏得了社區天使的綽號。 - The nurse was often referred to as an angel for her compassionate care of patients.
這位護士因對病人的慈愛護理經常被稱為一位天使。 - The stranger's act of rescuing the drowning child was seen as the work of an angel.
這位陌生人救出溺水的孩子的行為被視為天使的工作。 - She had the heart of an angel, always putting others' needs before her own.
她擁有一顆天使的心,總是把別人的需求放在自己之前。 - The angelic choir's singing filled the church with a sense of divine presence.
天使般的合唱團歌聲充滿了教堂,讓人感到神聖的存在。 - Even in the darkest times, he believed that there were angels watching over him.
即使在最黑暗的時刻,他相信有天使在守護著他。 - Her compassion and selflessness made her seem like an earthly angel.
我們最常聽到的義大利麵英文通常是 pasta 及 spaghetti,先來解說一下這兩個單字的差異,pasta 是義大利麵的統稱,義大利麵的種類非常多,不管是哪一種都可以稱為 pasta,而 spaghetti 是特別指直的或是義大利的長條直麵,其他形狀的不能稱為 spagh ...
在這一天,學生們通常會表達對老師的感激之情,送上花束、卡片、或小禮物,以表示他們的尊敬和感謝之情。學校也可能舉行各種慶祝活動,如音樂會、戲劇表演,或其他表 ...
復活節是基督教非常重要的一個節日,拉丁語為Pascha,英文則為Easter,最早的復活節與基督教的逾越節(Passover)是同一天,後來在西元四世紀時,教會將復活節的日期改為每年春分月圓之後第一個星期日,而復活節的目的是紀念耶穌基督被釘在十字架上後,死而復活的事蹟,為了讓大家 ...