She is known for her generous donations to charity.
她以對慈善事業的慷慨捐助而聞名。 -
His generous offer to help us move was greatly appreciated.
他慷慨地提出幫助我們搬家,受到了極大的感激。 -
The company provides its employees with generous benefits.
公司為員工提供豐厚的福利。 -
We are grateful for your generous hospitality during our visit.
我們感謝您在我們存取期間的慷慨款待。 -
Her generous spirit is reflected in her willingness to help others.
她的慷慨精神呈現在她樂意幫助他人。 -
The restaurant is known for its generous portions of food.
這家餐廳以提供豐盛的食物份量而著稱。 -
He made a generous contribution to the local community center.
他向當地社區中心慷慨捐款。 -
Their generous support made the event a great success.
他們的慷慨支持使活動取得了巨大的成功。 -
It was a generous offer, but we had to decline it.
那是一個慷慨的提議,但我們不得不拒絕。 -
Generous people often find happiness in helping others.
每到過年,大家都需要新年祝賀詞跟親朋好友們互道新年快樂(Happy New Year),為了讓大家方便找到簡單又優美的新年祝賀詞英文句子,每天學英文單字的編輯們絞盡腦汁,幫所有讀者朋友們準備了這些好用的祝賀詞,歡迎大家多多利用,無論傳簡訊、Message、傳 Line 都好用。