The story of Valentine's Day is a sweet one.
Long ago, there was a priest named Saint Valentine who loved helping couples express their love for each other. At the time, Roman Emperor Claudius II had forbidden young men from marrying, believing that single soldiers made better fighters. Saint Valentine defied the emperor's orders and secretly married young couples.
When Claudius II found out, he was furious and had Saint Valentine thrown in jail. Even in prison, Saint Valentine continued to believe in the power of love. He is even said to have started the tradition of exchanging love letters while he was in prison.
Over time, people came to celebrate the memory of Saint Valentine's bravery. They designated February 14 as Valentine's Day and began to exchange flowers and write love letters to express their love. Today, Valentine's Day is a day for people all over the world to celebrate love.
- "話說很久很久以前" 翻譯成 "Long ago"
"話說很久很久以前" 是中文故事的常見開頭,用來表示故事發生在很遙遠的過去,在英文中,可以用 "Long ago" 來表達類似的意思。
- "超級喜歡" 翻譯成 "loved"
"超級喜歡" 是中文表示非常喜歡的意思,在英文中,可以用 "loved" 來表達類似的意思。 "Loved" 是一個強烈的詞,可以表達聖瓦倫丁對幫助情侶的熱情。
- "捨命違背" 翻譯成 "defied"
"捨命違背" 是中文表示不顧生命危險、違背命令的意思。在英文中,可以用 "defied" 來表達類似的意思。 "Defied" 是一個強烈的詞,可以表達聖瓦倫丁寧願冒著生命危險也要幫助他人的決心。
- "傳說" 翻譯成 "is even said"
"傳說" 是中文表示不一定是事實,但流傳在民間的說法。在英文中,可以用 "is even said" 來表達類似的意思。 "Is even said" 表示這件事不一定是真的,但它是人們口耳相傳的故事。
- "慢慢地" 翻譯成 "over time"
"慢慢地" 是中文表示逐漸、隨著時間推移的意思。在英文中,可以用 "over time" 來表達類似的意思。 "Over time" 表示情人節不是一夜之間成為受歡迎的節日的。
- "讓愛情綻放" 翻譯成 "to celebrate love"
"讓愛情綻放" 是中文表示慶祝愛情的意思。在英文中,可以用 "to celebrate love" 來表達類似的意思。 "To celebrate love" 是描述情人節的常見方式。