She met her lover by the seaside, where they shared their dreams.
她在海邊遇見了她的戀人,他們在那裡分享了彼此的夢想。 -
The lovers strolled hand in hand through the park, lost in conversation.
戀人們手牽手在公園散步,陷入了對話中。 -
Their love was so strong that they couldn't bear to be apart.
他們的愛情如此強烈,無法忍受分離。 -
The lovers whispered sweet nothings to each other under the moonlit sky.
戀人們在月光下互相低語著甜言蜜語。 -
Despite the distance, the lovers' hearts remained connected.
雖然相隔很遠,戀人們的心依然緊緊相連。 -
The lover's embrace was warm and comforting, like a safe haven.
戀人的擁抱溫暖而安慰人心,就像一個安全的避風港。 -
Every love letter she wrote was filled with longing for her lover.
她寫的每一封情書都充滿了對戀人的思念。 -
The lovers promised to be together forever, no matter what challenges they faced.
戀人們承諾無論面臨什麼挑戰,都會永遠在一起。 -
Their love story was like a fairytale, filled with magical moments.
他們的愛情故事就像一個童話,充滿了奇幻的時刻。 -
The lover's kiss was tender and full of promise, sealing their love.
台灣人常說的「青梅竹馬」在英文中可以翻譯為「childhood sweetheart」,意思是從小一起長大、感情深厚的戀人,有著深厚的情感基礎,這個詞語由兩個字組成:
因此,字面意思是「童年的愛人」,這個 ...
The story of Valentine's Day is a sweet one.
話說很久很久以前,有個叫聖瓦倫丁的牧師,他超級喜歡幫助戀人們互相表達愛意,特別是當時羅馬皇帝克勞狄二世規定年輕人不能結婚,因為他覺得單身的士兵比較 ...