He felt a deep sense of betrayal when his friend betrayed his trust.
當他的朋友違背了他的信任時,他感到了深深的違背感。 -
It's hard to forgive someone who has betrayed you.
很難原諒一個違背過你的人。 -
She couldn't believe that her partner would betray her like that.
她無法相信她的伴侶會像這樣違背她。 -
Betraying your country is considered a serious crime.
違背國家被視為一項嚴重的罪行。 -
The spy was caught red-handed betraying classified information.
那名間諜當場被抓到出賣機密資訊。 -
Betrayal can lead to long-lasting emotional scars.
違背可能會導致持久的情感創傷。 -
He chose to betray his principles for personal gain.
他為了個人利益選擇違背自己的原則。 -
Trust is fragile and easily broken by betrayal.
信任是脆弱的,很容易因違背而破裂。 -
The novel tells a story of love, betrayal, and redemption.
這本小說講述了愛情、違背和救贖的故事。 -
Betraying a friend's confidence is a breach of trust.
The story of Valentine's Day is a sweet one.
話說很久很久以前,有個叫聖瓦倫丁的牧師,他超級喜歡幫助戀人們互相表達愛意,特別是當時羅馬皇帝克勞狄二世規定年輕人不能結婚,因為他覺得單身的士兵比較 ...