The emperor ruled over a vast empire in ancient times.
古代的皇帝統治著一個廣大的帝國。 -
The people hailed the new emperor with great enthusiasm.
人民熱情歡迎新的皇帝。 -
The emperor's palace was a magnificent structure with intricate designs.
皇帝的宮殿是一座設計精巧的壯麗建築。 -
The emperor's decrees were law throughout the land.
皇帝的詔令在全國範圍內都是法律。 -
It was believed that the emperor was chosen by the gods.
人們相信皇帝是由神靈選定的。 -
The emperor's birthday was a grand celebration in the capital city.
皇帝的生日在首都是一場盛大的慶典。 -
Courtiers and advisors surrounded the emperor, offering counsel.
宮廷大臣和顧問環繞著皇帝,提供諮詢。 -
The emperor's portrait hung in every public building.
皇帝的肖像掛在每座公共建築物中。 -
The emperor's reign was marked by peace and prosperity.
皇帝的統治以和平與繁榮為特徵。 -
When the emperor passed away, the nation mourned deeply.
The story of Valentine's Day is a sweet one.
話說很久很久以前,有個叫聖瓦倫丁的牧師,他超級喜歡幫助戀人們互相表達愛意,特別是當時羅馬皇帝克勞狄二世規定年輕人不能結婚,因為他覺得單身的士兵比較 ...
復活節是基督教非常重要的一個節日,拉丁語為Pascha,英文則為Easter,最早的復活節與基督教的逾越節(Passover)是同一天,後來在西元四世紀時,教會將復活節的日期改為每年春分月圓之後第一個星期日,而復活節的目的是紀念耶穌基督被釘在十字架上後,死而復活的事蹟,為了讓大家 ...