- Our wedding anniversary is a special day for us to celebrate our love.
我們的結婚週年紀念日是我們慶祝愛情的特別日子。 - The company celebrated its 50th anniversary with a grand party.
公司以盛大的派對慶祝了它的50週年紀念日。 - Every year, we commemorate our first date anniversary with a romantic dinner.
每年,我們都以浪漫的晚餐紀念我們的第一次約會週年紀念日。 - Anniversaries are an opportunity to reflect on the journey of love and partnership.
週年紀念日是反思愛情和伴侶關係之旅的機會。 - The silver anniversary marks 25 years of marriage.
銀婚紀念日標誌著婚姻25周年。 - We exchange gifts on our anniversary to show our appreciation for each other.
我們在週年紀念日上交換禮物,以表達對彼此的感激之情。 - Some couples choose to renew their vows on their anniversary.
一些夫妻選擇在週年紀念日上重新宣誓。 - The anniversary of their first meeting is a cherished memory for them.
他們第一次相遇的週年紀念日對他們來說是珍貴的回憶。 - Anniversaries remind us of the commitment we made to each other.
週年紀念日提醒我們對彼此的承諾。 - We look forward to celebrating many more anniversaries together.