Lentinus edodes
- Shiitake have a unique aroma.
香菇有一種獨特的香味。 -
People dry the shiitake to increase the shelf life.
人們將香菇乾燥以增加保存期限。 -
Chinese dishes often use shiitake to increase the taste of the dishes.
中國菜經常使用香菇來增加料理的味道。 -
Chinese people have a record of eating shiitake in ancient times.
中國人在古代就有吃香菇的紀錄。 -
Shiitake are low-calorie, high-protein, high-fiber foods.
香菇是低熱量、高蛋白質、高纖維的食物。 -
Some people don't like the taste of shiitake.
有些人不喜歡香菇的味道。 - Shiitake grow in groups on the decaying wood of deciduous trees.
香菇在腐朽的落葉樹木上成群生長。 -
The natural distribution of shiitake includes warm and moist climates in southeast Asia.
香菇的自然分佈包括東南亞的溫暖潮濕氣候。 -
In a 100 gram amount, raw shiitake mushrooms provide 34 calories and are 90% water.
在100克量的生香菇提供34卡路里的熱量,90%的水。 -
Fresh and dried shiitake have many uses in the cuisines of East Asia.
來認識串燒的英文說法(原始圖片由 TripperWay旅遊網站授權使用)
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