[動詞] crack a joke, play a joke, make a joke ; [名詞] joke
- He loves to joke around with his friends, always making everyone laugh.
他喜歡和朋友開玩笑,總是讓大家笑個不停。 - It was just a harmless joke, nobody took it seriously.
那只是一個無害的玩笑,沒有人把它當真。 - She has a talent for telling jokes that leave everyone in stitches.
她有一種講笑話的天賦,總是讓大家捧腹大笑。 - The comedian's jokes were so cleverly crafted that the audience couldn't stop laughing.
這位喜劇演員的笑話編排得如此巧妙,觀眾們停不下來笑。 - Even in serious situations, he manages to lighten the mood with a well-timed joke.
即使在嚴肅的情況下,他也能用一個恰到好處的笑話讓氣氛輕鬆起來。 - Their banter and jokes with each other showed the strong bond of friendship between them.
他們彼此之間的調侃和開玩笑表明了他們之間強大的友誼。 - The children's innocent jokes and giggles filled the room with joy.
孩子們天真的笑話和傻笑讓房間充滿了喜悅。 - He always has a joke ready for any occasion, making him the life of the party.
他總是為任何場合準備好了笑話,使他成為派對的焦點。 - The office atmosphere was lightened by the boss's occasional jokes during meetings.
老板在會議上偶爾開玩笑,使辦公室的氛圍變得輕鬆愉快。 - Sharing jokes and laughter with friends is a great way to relieve stress.
愚人節英文是 April Fool's Day,其中 Fool 有傻瓜、愚弄的意思。因此,April Fool's Day 可以直譯為「愚人日」,也就是「愚弄傻瓜的日子」,愚人節這個節日通常在4月1日慶祝,它是一個歡樂、愉快的日子,人們會互相開玩笑和惡作劇,關於愚人節的起源有很多 ...
人山人海的英文說法(原始圖片由 TripperWay旅遊授權使用)
說到人山人海的英文說法,很多臺灣人甚至亞洲人會開玩笑說「People mountain people sea」,不過這可不是正確的英文說法唷!只是單純照字面上直接翻譯成英文單字,千萬別用在正式句子或文章中。
如果你在國外旅遊,無論是到著名的遊樂園還是百貨公司都有可能遇到想買冰淇淋的時候,冰淇淋有時候是一球一球在賣的,根據你要幾球決定價格,這個時候可能會有人說:「我知道,我要一球英文就說 I need one ball.」,這是大錯特錯啊!如果你常看好萊塢電影或美劇,應該會知道老外常在 ...