consecutive holidays名詞
consecutive vacations
- We are lucky to have consecutive holidays this year, giving us a nice break.
今年我們很幸運有連續假期,讓我們可以好好休息。 - Consecutive holidays allow families to plan trips and spend quality time together.
連續假期讓家庭可以計劃旅行,共度美好時光。 - During consecutive holidays, many people take the opportunity to visit relatives.
在連續假期期間,許多人利用機會拜訪親戚。 - The city is usually bustling with activities during consecutive holidays.
在連續假期期間,城市通常熱鬧非凡。 - The government announced consecutive holidays to celebrate the national holiday.
政府宣布連續假期以慶祝國慶日。 - Many businesses offer special discounts during consecutive holidays to attract customers.
許多企業在連續假期期間提供特別折扣以吸引客戶。 - People eagerly anticipate consecutive holidays as a chance to relax and recharge.
人們迫不及待期待連續假期,作為放鬆和充電的機會。 - Students look forward to consecutive holidays for a break from school.
學生期待連續假期,可以暫時解脫學校的壓力。 - The tourism industry sees a surge in visitors during consecutive holidays.
連續假期期間,旅遊業迎來了遊客的高峰。 - It's nice to have consecutive holidays, but we should also make the most of our time.
端午節不只是東亞生活圈的重要節日,也是臺灣人闔家團圓的一個重要節日,端午節的日期是每年的農曆五月五日,大約是國曆的六月份,西方世界也有許多人會想認識我們的端午節,這篇就來幫大家介紹端午節常用到的一些英文說法,也許在英文寫作或與外國朋友聊天時可以用得上,本篇文章以端午節的由來及習俗 ...
每年四月四日是兒童節,在這個屬於兒童的節日裡,總是充滿了歡樂,小朋友們會收到兒童節禮物,兒童節的英文就稱為Children's Day,也就是屬於孩子們的節日,如果你想陪孩子一起學英文,可以看看我們這篇關於兒童節的介紹,我們會把一些英文置入於中文旁邊,讓各位讀起來更容易記憶。兒童 ...
清明節(Qingming Festival 或 Ching Ming festival)是臺灣非常重要的一個節日,其實清明原本只是二十四節氣之一,在春分之後,穀雨之前,時間為每年陽曆4月4日或5日太陽到達黃經15°時開始,通常落在國曆4月4日或4月5日其中一天,經過數千年 ...