The maple leaf is a symbol of Canada, featured prominently on the national flag.
楓葉是加拿大的象徵,在國旗上顯眼地展示著。 -
Leaves come in a variety of shapes and sizes, adapted to the needs of different plant species.
葉子有各種形狀和大小,適應了不同植物物種的需求。 -
The leaves of deciduous trees change color in the fall, creating a spectacular display of reds, oranges, and yellows.
落葉樹的葉子在秋季變色,展示出紅色、橙色和黃色的壯麗景色。 -
Plants use their leaves to absorb sunlight and carry out photosynthesis, converting light energy into chemical energy.
植物利用葉子吸收陽光進行光合作用,將光能轉化為化學能。 -
Some plants have leaves with serrated edges, while others have smooth, rounded leaves.
有些植物的葉子有鋸齒狀邊緣,而其他的則是光滑、圓形的葉子。 -
The leaves of the tea plant are harvested and dried to make the popular beverage enjoyed worldwide.
茶樹的葉子被收穫並乾燥,製成了世界各地受歡迎的飲料。 -
Fallen leaves create a natural mulch that helps retain moisture and enrich the soil.
落葉形成了一層天然的覆蓋物,有助於保持土壤濕潤並豐富土壤。 -
Leaves play a crucial role in the process of transpiration, where plants release water vapor into the atmosphere.
葉子在蒸散作用的過程中扮演著極為重要的角色,植物將水蒸汽釋放到大氣中。 -
The leaves of the cactus are modified into spines to reduce water loss and protect against herbivores.
仙人掌的葉子變成了刺來減少水分流失並保護免受草食動物的傷害。 -
Each leaf on the fern frond is called a leaflet, giving the frond a feathery appearance.
也許現代化農業因為普遍使用農藥來減少害蟲,所以蔬菜上幾乎很少看到菜蟲,不過在以前,菜蟲是很常見的唷!有些開放參觀的有機農場也可以看到菜蟲出沒,說到這種經常出現在蔬菜上(尤其葉菜類)有點像蠶寶寶卻又是綠色的菜蟲,很多人都以為牠的英文叫做vegetable worm,但其實不是。常見 ...
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