- I heard that there's a new restaurant opening in town next week.
我聽說下周城鎮裡將開一家新餐廳。 - Have you heard about the upcoming concert? It's supposed to be amazing.
你聽說過即將舉行的音樂會嗎?據說會非常精彩。 - I heard from a reliable source that the company is planning a big expansion.
我從可靠的消息來源那裡聽說公司計劃進行大規模擴張。 - She heard a rumor about changes in the school curriculum but wasn't sure if it's true.
她聽說學校課程將發生變化的謠言,但不確定是否屬實。 - My friend heard the news of the accident and rushed to the scene to help.
我的朋友聽說事故的消息,趕到現場幫助。 - I heard a fascinating story about a lost treasure buried in our town.
我聽說了一個關於我們城鎮埋藏失落寶藏的迷人故事。 - They heard the announcement of the competition winners on the radio.
他們在廣播上聽說了競賽獲勝者的公告。 - We heard the distant sound of fireworks celebrating a special event.
我們聽說了遠處的煙火聲,慶祝一個特殊事件。 - She heard her favorite song playing on the radio and started singing along.
她聽到她最喜歡的歌曲在廣播中播放,開始跟著唱。 - I heard that the local sports team won the championship, bringing pride to our town.
最近又到了年底要發年終獎金的時刻了,相信許多辛苦一整年,績效表現良好的員工們都很期待這筆可以犒賞自己的年終了吧!?其實在國外也有很多公司會發年終獎金,所謂年終獎金的英文最常見的說法是 year-end bonus,其中 year-end 表示「年終」,bonus 表示「獎金、 ...
小時候學習天文時,總是聽說太陽系有九大行星,分別是水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、天王星、海王星以及冥王星,不過後來冥王星被取消了,因為國際天文聯會認為冥王星是矮行星,不應該被定義為行星,也不能定義為衛星,因此太陽系只剩八大行星 ...
Seeing is believing.
這句話的意思是「親眼看到才能相信」,與中文的「百聞不如一見 ...