clever, intelligent
- She's a smart woman and always finds a way to solve problems.
她是個聰明的女人,總是能找到解決問題的方法。 - He's a clever businessman and has made a fortune.
他是個聰明的商人,已經賺了一大筆錢。 - The student came up with a smart idea to improve the project.
這位學生提出了一個聰明的點子,以改善這個項目。 - The detective used his clever mind to solve the case.
這名偵探運用他聰明的頭腦解決了這個案件。 - She's smart enough to know when someone is lying to her.
她足夠聰明,能知道有人對她說謊。 - The company hired a team of smart engineers to develop their new product.
這家公司聘請了一群聰明的工程師來開發他們的新產品。 - His clever remark made everyone laugh.
他聰明的言論讓所有人都笑了。 - The computer program uses smart algorithms to predict future trends.
這個電腦程式使用聰明的演算法來預測未來趨勢。 - The politician gave a smart response to the reporter's question.
這位政治家對記者的問題給出了一個聰明的回答。 - The athlete's smart strategy helped him win the race.
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