[形容詞] patient ; [名詞] patient, patience
- Patience is the ability to remain calm and composed in the face of difficulties.
耐心是在困難面前保持冷靜和沉著的能力。 - She waited with patience for the bus to arrive, knowing that delays were common during rush hour.
她耐心等待公車的到來,知道在交通高峰時段延誤是常有的事。 - Patience is a virtue that allows us to persevere through challenges without losing our temper.
耐心是一種美德,使我們能夠在挑戰中堅持不懈而不失去冷靜。 - The teacher praised the student for his patience in solving the difficult math problem.
老師讚揚學生在解決困難的數學問題時的耐心。 - Patience is often rewarded, as good things come to those who wait.
耐心往往會得到回報,好事常來自於耐心等待的人。 - She handled the irate customer with patience and understanding, diffusing the tense situation.
她用耐心和理解處理了激動的客戶,化解了緊張的局面。 - Patience is the key to mastering a new skill, as progress often comes in small increments.
耐心是掌握新技能的關鍵,因為進步往往是逐步而來的。 - The gardener tended to her plants with patience, nurturing them to full bloom.
園丁用耐心照顧她的植物,使它們茁壯成長。 - Patience is needed when dealing with young children, as they often test our limits.
與幼兒相處時需要耐心,因為他們經常考驗我們的極限。 - He waited for hours in line with patience to get tickets to the concert, his excitement building with each passing minute.
在台灣的精品咖啡市場幾乎都看得到手沖咖啡,這種用手拿手沖壺,將熱水注入研磨咖啡粉中萃取出高品質的咖啡,非常受到市場歡迎,手沖咖啡的英文最常見的說法是 pour-over coffee,這個詞語直接描述了手沖咖啡的製作方法,即將熱水從上方澆淋到咖啡粉上,萃取咖啡的精華。
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在這一天,學生們通常會表達對老師的感激之情,送上花束、卡片、或小禮物,以表示他們的尊敬和感謝之情。學校也可能舉行各種慶祝活動,如音樂會、戲劇表演,或其他表 ...