deep red名詞
dark red, crimson,中文也稱為赤紅色
Her elegant gown was a stunning shade of deep red, catching everyone's eye at the gala.
她優雅的禮服是一種令人驚艷的深紅色,讓每個人在晚宴上都注意到了她。 -
The autumn leaves turned a beautiful deep red before gracefully falling to the ground.
秋天的葉子在優雅地落到地面前變成了一種美麗的深紅色。 -
The wine in the glass shimmered with a rich, deep red, promising a delightful taste.
杯中的酒波光粼粼,顯示出豐富、深紅色的色澤,預示著美妙的味道。 -
The theater curtains were drawn back to reveal a stage bathed in a deep red light.
劇院的窗簾被拉開,露出一個被深紅色燈光照亮的舞台。 -
The roses in the garden bloomed in hues of deep red, filling the air with their sweet fragrance.
花園裡的玫瑰花開出深紅色的花瓣,讓空氣充滿了甜美的芬芳。 -
The old book on the shelf had a cover of faded, deep red leather, showing its age.
書架上的那本舊書有一個色澤已褪的深紅色皮革封面,顯示出它的年代。 -
The sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of deep red and orange.
太陽下沉地平線以下,把天空染成了深紅色和橙色的色調。 -
The artist used a palette of deep reds and browns to capture the essence of autumn in the painting.
藝術家使用深紅色和棕色的調色板來捕捉畫中秋天的精髓。 -
The rich, deep red carpet in the hallway added a sense of grandeur to the elegant mansion.
走廊上的豐富深紅色地毯為優雅的大宅增添了一份莊嚴感。 -
The evening sky glowed with a deep red hue as the sun set behind the mountains.
原始圖片由 TripperWay 旅遊授權使用
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