Undergo Changes
change, remarkable changes(顯著的變化), significant changes(重大變化)
- The city's skyline has undergone significant changes over the past decade, with many new skyscrapers and developments.
在過去的十年裡,這座城市的天際線有所變化,許多新的摩天大樓和開發項目相繼出現。 - As technology advances, our daily routines and habits have also experienced noticeable changes.
隨著技術的進步,我們的日常例行事項和習慣也有所變化。 - With advancements in medical research, there have been remarkable changes in the treatment of certain diseases.
隨著醫學研究的進展,某些疾病的治療有所變化。 - The educational landscape has evolved, incorporating new teaching methods and technologies to better engage students.
教育領域有所變化,引入新的教學方法和技術,以更好地吸引學生。 - Social dynamics have shifted over time, leading to changes in societal norms and values.
社會動態隨著時間而有所變化,導致社會規範和價值觀的改變。 - Urban planning has seen significant changes with the focus on sustainable development and green spaces.
城市規劃在可持續發展和綠色空間方面有所變化。 - The art world has experienced shifts in styles and movements, reflecting the evolving creativity of artists.
藝術界在風格和運動方面有所變化,反映了藝術家不斷演變的創造力。 - The natural landscape of the region has seen gradual changes over the years due to environmental factors.
百香果也稱為西番蓮果,學名為 Passiflora edulis,是西番蓮科(學名:Passiflora spp.)的其中一個品種,原產於南美洲,是一種熱帶水果,其外觀獨特,口感豐富,而且擁有令人愉悅的香味,百香果的英文稱為 Passion fruit。以下是有關百香果的一些特點 ...
哈密瓜又稱為哈蜜瓜,是一種來自葫蘆科植物的水果,其學名為Cucumis melo var. reticulatus,學名總是複雜的,我們只要記得英文名稱 Cantaloupe 就很夠用了,哈密瓜在夏季生長,其外形通常呈現圓形或橢圓形,果皮表面光滑,呈現黃色至橙色,並帶有淡淡的網狀 ...
火龍果又稱為仙人掌果、紅龍果、龍珠果、量天尺果或皇后果,英文簡稱為 pitaya,是一種來自仙人掌科的水果,原產於中美洲地區,後來被引入到東南亞等地區種植,它的外觀獨特,擁有鮮豔的色彩、獨特的外形和豐富的營養成分,因此深受人們喜愛,火龍果的果實通常由兩種主要類型:紅肉火龍果和白肉 ...