Most suitable
Best fit
Among all the applicants, she appeared to be the most suitable candidate for the job.
在所有申請者中,她似乎是這份工作最適合的候選人。 -
The hiring manager believes that he is the best fit for the team due to his extensive experience.
招聘經理認為由於他豐富的經驗,他是團隊最適合的人選。 -
After careful consideration, they selected the most suitable vendor for the project.
經過慎重考慮,他們選擇了這個項目最適合的供應商。 -
The HR team conducted several interviews to find the best fit for the company culture.
人力資源團隊進行了幾輪面試,找到了最適合公司文化的人選。 -
The candidate's skills and personality align perfectly with the job requirements, making him the most suitable choice.
這位候選人的技能和個性與職位要求完美匹配,使他成為最適合的選擇。 -
The project manager carefully assessed the team members' strengths to assign the most suitable roles.
項目經理仔細評估了團隊成員的優勢,以分配最適合的角色。 -
The company takes time to identify the best fit for leadership positions to ensure long-term success.
公司花費時間來確定領導職位的最佳人選,以確保長期成功。 -
The interview process aims to determine who is the most suitable match for the company's values and goals.
面試過程的目的是確定誰是最適合公司價值觀和目標的人選。 -
The selection committee unanimously agreed that he was the most suitable candidate for the scholarship.
選拔委員會一致認為他是獎學金最適合的候選人。 -
The recruitment team conducted thorough assessments to identify the best fit for the team's dynamics.
清明節(Qingming Festival 或 Ching Ming festival)是臺灣非常重要的一個節日,其實清明原本只是二十四節氣之一,在春分之後,穀雨之前,時間為每年陽曆4月4日或5日太陽到達黃經15°時開始,通常落在國曆4月4日或4月5日其中一天,經過數千年 ...
橄欖油是橄欖樹的果實(就是橄欖)經過壓榨後所取得的食用油(edible oil),高品質的橄欖油是地中海飲食中不可缺少的角色,橄欖油的英文通常就稱為olive oil,不過這是概稱,實際上,橄欖油還根據橄欖本身的品質及榨取次數,區分為多個不同的等級,不同等級的橄欖油會有不同的油品 ...
不過在台灣,幾乎所有 ...