Last night
I watched a movie with my friends last night.
昨晚我和朋友一起看電影。 -
We had a delicious dinner at the new restaurant last night.
昨晚我們在新餐廳吃了一頓美味的晚餐。 -
I couldn't sleep well last night because it was too hot.
昨晚我睡不好,因為太熱了。 -
Last night's concert was fantastic; the band played all my favorite songs.
昨晚的音樂會太棒了,樂隊演奏了我所有最喜歡的歌曲。 -
I stayed up late working on my project last night.
昨晚我熬夜工作我的專案。 -
Last night's thunderstorm was so loud; it kept me awake.
昨晚的雷雨聲太大了,讓我一直睡不著。 -
We went for a walk along the beach last night and watched the sunset.
昨晚我們沿著海灘散步,觀看日落。 -
I met an old friend for dinner last night; we had a great time catching up.
昨晚我和一位老朋友吃飯,我們聊得很開心。 -
I read a book in bed before going to sleep last night.
昨晚睡前我在床上讀了一本書。 -
I had a strange dream about flying last night.
通常遇到一些讓人覺得不可思議或難以相信的事情,都會用「難以置信」來形容,在英文裡也有類似的說法,最常用的就是 unbelievable 這個單字,它是 believe 變來的唷!believe 這個單字是相信,例如「我相信你可以的。」英文就是「I believe you can. ...
Miss 和 Mrs. 是英語中用於稱呼女性的尊稱,但是很多人都很常搞混,為了讓大家更能輕鬆掌握這兩個女性稱呼的實際用法,筆者整理了 Miss 與 Mrs 的差異及使用說明如下:
Miss 用於稱呼未婚女性,通常用於姓氏之前,例如 Miss Smith 或 Miss ...
restaurant 和 dining room 的差別
許多英語初學者對於 restaurant 和 dining room 這兩個可以用來表示餐廳的英文說法經常會搞混,畢竟中文都稱為餐廳,不過這兩者是不同的,看完這篇你就知道 restaurant 和 dining room ...