- He was able to obtain a scholarship for his outstanding academic performance.
他因出色的學業表現拿到了獎學金。 - It took her several weeks of hard work to obtain the necessary data for her research.
她花了幾個星期的努力工作才拿到了她研究所需的數據。 - The company's goal is to obtain a larger market share through strategic expansion.
公司的目標是透過戰略擴張拿到更大的市場占有率。 - She was determined to obtain her driver's license before her birthday.
她決心在生日前取得駕駛執照。 - The team worked collaboratively to obtain the best results in the project.
團隊合作以拿到項目的最佳結果。 - He needs to obtain permission from his supervisor before making any major changes.
他需要在進行任何重大改變之前拿到主管的許可。 - The artist's goal is to obtain recognition for her unique style of painting.
這位藝術家的目標是因她獨特的繪畫風格而拿到認可。 - The research team is striving to obtain accurate and reliable data for their study.
研究團隊正努力拿到準確可靠的數據進行研究。 - After months of negotiations, they finally obtained a favorable contract.
經過數月的談判,他們終於拿到了一份有利的合同。 - The company invested in new technology to obtain a competitive edge in the market.
股東會紀念品的英文可以翻譯為 shareholder meeting souvenir、annual meeting giveaway 或 AGM souvenir,中文也常稱為股東會贈品,這些術語可以根據實際情況進一步調整,例如,如果紀念品是特定的產品或禮品,也可以使用相應的術 ...
台積電董事長魏哲家在2024/6/7的法說會上公佈了公司五月份的最新財報,在會議上也提到:「市場都說台積電價格是最貴,但以客戶拿到的 Die 來看,台積電的晶圓就是比別人好」,魏哲家董事長提到的Die是什麼意思呢?
魏董說的 Die,指的是晶圓(wafer)上切割出來的晶粒,晶 ...
最近又到了年底要發年終獎金的時刻了,相信許多辛苦一整年,績效表現良好的員工們都很期待這筆可以犒賞自己的年終了吧!?其實在國外也有很多公司會發年終獎金,所謂年終獎金的英文最常見的說法是 year-end bonus,其中 year-end 表示「年終」,bonus 表示「獎金、 ...
許多人都很好奇熱狗的英文為什麼叫 hot dog?其實這個問題已經疑惑人們超過一世紀了,因為熱狗的起源超過百年,要追溯真正的起源有很大的困難,而西方人也稱這種像香腸的食物為 hot dog 很久了,經過百年的改變,熱狗已經有了多種不同的型態,除了傳統的整根肉棒像香腸或臘腸的熱狗, ...