The new smartphone comes with a powerful processor and advanced features.
這款新手機配備了強大的處理器和先進的功能。 -
The powerful engine allows the car to accelerate quickly and smoothly.
強大的引擎使汽車能夠快速平穩地加速。 -
The company's powerful marketing campaign increased brand awareness significantly.
公司強大的營銷活動顯著提高了品牌知名度。 -
The powerful telescope can capture images of distant galaxies and stars.
這台強大的望遠鏡可以捕捉遠處星系和恒星的影像。 -
The country's military has a powerful presence in the region.
該國軍隊在該地區擁有強大的存在。 -
The artist's performance left a powerful impact on the audience.
藝術家的表演對觀眾產生了強烈的影響。 -
The CEO's powerful speech inspired the employees to work harder towards their goals.
CEO強而有力的演講激勵員工更加努力地朝著目標前進。 -
The powerful storm caused extensive damage to buildings and infrastructure.
這場強大的風暴對建筑和基礎設施造成了廣泛破壞。 -
The company's expansion was driven by its powerful financial backing.
公司的擴張是由其強大的財務支持推動的。 -
The book left a powerful impression on me and changed my perspective on life.
遠距離戀愛的英文說法是 long-distance relationship,簡稱 LDR。
Long-distance relationship 是由 long-distance 和 relationship 兩字組成,Long-distance 的意思是「長距離的」或「遠距 ...
喜歡打籃球的朋友們應該對籃球場上許多籃球術語都不陌生,尤其喜歡看 NBA 的朋友們現在可以透過各種體育轉播方式看球賽,如果是看原文轉播,那你就會聽到許多關於籃球運動、場地、規則等專業術語的英文,我們這篇就來幫各位整理一些 NBA 籃球場及球賽轉播常用的英文術語。
場 ...
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