several years
a few years
- After living abroad for several years, he returned to his homeland with a wealth of experiences.
在國外生活了幾年後,他帶著豐富的經歷回到了故鄉。 - The company experienced rapid growth over the past few years, expanding its market presence significantly.
過去幾年,該公司經歷了快速增長,大大擴展了市場佔有率。 - She has been studying Mandarin for a few years, and now she can hold a conversation fluently.
她已經學了幾年中文,現在她可以流利地進行交談。 - Over the course of several years, the small startup transformed into a successful multinational corporation.
幾年來,這家小型初創企業變成了一家成功的跨國公司。 - The couple decided to take a break and travel the world for a few years before settling down.
這對夫婦決定休息一下,在安定下來前周遊世界幾年。 - The archaeological excavation spanned several years and revealed fascinating ancient artifacts.
考古挖掘持續了幾年時間,揭示了令人著迷的古代文物。 - The city underwent significant transformations over the last few years, becoming a modern metropolis.
這座城市在過去幾年間發生了重大變化,成為一個現代化大都市。 - The research project involved extensive data collection and analysis over a period of several years.
這個研究項目涉及多年的大量數據收集和分析。 - The talented musician honed his skills over a few years of dedicated practice and performances.
這位有才華的音樂家在幾年的專注練習和演出中磨練了自己的技能。 - The historical monument has been standing tall for several years, attracting visitors from all over the world.
仙人掌與多肉植物最近幾年在植物盆栽消費者市場非常受歡迎,飽滿的多肉植物看起來就是很療癒的感覺,而且照顧起來也非常容易,不過仙人掌的英文與多肉植物的英文不一樣唷!仙人掌的英文稱為cactus,而多肉植物的英文則稱為succulent plant,不只是字面上的差異,而是植物分類學上 ...
氣炸鍋可以說是近兩年來超夯的產品,幾乎在全世界都很熱門,因為氣炸鍋不用油炸的方式,卻可以創造出類似油炸的美食,用起來相當方便,如果你在國外的購物網站想找氣炸鍋,該用哪個英文來找呢?用網路翻譯可能會從字面直接翻出 Gas fryer 這樣的答案(如下圖所示),其實是不正確的唷!氣炸 ...
炸雞排大概是台灣年輕人愛吃的美食排行榜前幾名,現炸的雞排就是香又好吃,有些人甚至喜歡灑上一些辣椒粉(chili powder)讓雞排的味道更嗆辣,吃起來更爽快,雞排確實好吃,不過我們還是要把英文學好,你知道台灣這個特色美食-炸雞排的英文要怎麼說嗎?其實很簡單,我們都知道一般炸雞的 ...