powdered creamer名詞
creamer, powdered coffee creamer, coffee mate(咖啡伴侶),coffee whiteners, tea whiteners, non-dairy creamers
- Powdered creamer must be stored in a dry and cool environment.
奶精粉必須保存在乾燥涼爽的環境。 -
Powdered creamer can be used to adjust the color and taste of coffee or black tea.
奶精粉可以用來調整咖啡或紅茶的顏色及味道。 -
I like to use fresh milk pearl milk tea instead of pearl milk tea with powdered creamer.
我喜歡使用鮮奶的珍珠奶茶,而不是使用奶精粉的珍珠奶茶。 -
Drinks usually prepared with powdered creamer are cheaper than those prepared with fresh milk.
通常使用奶精粉調製的飲料會比使用鮮奶調製的便宜。 -
Many hand shake beverage stores buy large amounts of creamer powder.
許多手搖飲料店都會採購大量的奶精粉。 -
Not all powdered creamer ingredients are the same.
並非所有奶精粉的成分都一樣。 -
Nestlé's powdered creamer is sold in many countries around the world.
雀巢的奶精粉在世界許多國家銷售。 -
Powdered creamer has the advantage of being cheap, convenient, and quickly adjusting the flavor of the beverage.
奶精粉具有便宜、便利、快速調整飲料風味的優點。 -
Almost every supermarket or hypermarket sells powdered creamer.
幾乎每家超市或大賣場都有賣奶精粉。 -
I usually don't add powdered creamer to my coffee.
我通常不會在咖啡裡加入奶精粉。 -
Some people like to add powdered creamer and sugar to black tea.
即溶咖啡:英語為 instant coffee ...
乳製品在日常生活中是常見的食材,像是鮮奶、奶酪、起司、優格、保久乳 .... 等,都是大家耳熟能詳的乳製品,甚至咖啡上的奶泡或製作蛋糕的鮮奶油都是,我們今天就來整理這些常見的乳製品英文說法,因為這些產品在全世界幾乎都很暢銷,國外的超市也都很容易買到,建議盡量記 ...
珍珠奶茶幾乎每家手搖飲料店都會賣,其實這在台灣超夯的珍珠奶茶早就已經紅到世界各國去了,甚至還成為 2009 年夏季聽障奧林匹克運動會閉幕式指定特色茶飲,美國還有業者在 2018 年聯合將 4/30 訂為美國的國家珍珠奶茶日「National Bubble Tea Day」呢!有沒 ...