The moon in the night sky appeared perfectly round and bright.
夜空中的月亮看上去完美圓圓的,明亮璀璨。 -
She shaped the dough into round cookies and baked them to perfection.
她將麵團塑造成圓圓的餅乾,烤得十分完美。 -
The round table in the dining room allowed everyone to have a clear view of each other.
餐廳裡的圓桌讓每個人都可以清晰地看到對方。 -
The wheels of the bicycle were round and well-inflated for a smooth ride.
自行車的輪子圓圓的,充氣得宜,可以平穩騎行。 -
We sat in a circle, and the conversation flowed easily among the round of friends.
我們坐成一圈,朋友圈子裡的對話流暢而自然。 -
The full moon is a perfect example of a round celestial body in the night sky.
滿月是夜空中完美圓圓的天體的典型例子。 -
The round clock on the wall told us it was time to leave for the event.
牆上的圓形時鐘告訴我們該離開參加活動了。 -
Her eyes were round with amazement when she saw the surprise gift.
當她看到驚喜禮物時,她的眼睛瞪大了。 -
The little puppy had a round belly from all the food it had eaten.
這隻小狗因吃了很多食物而肚子圓圓的。 -
The earth is an example of a round planet in our solar system.
台灣的中秋節是一個重要的傳統節日,時間為每年的農曆8月15日,是擁有悠久歷史的節慶之一,台灣人通常會在中秋節烤肉、聚餐、賞月、吃月餅、吃柚子,全家人團聚在一起談天說地,聊聊平時念書或工作的事情,是個家人們情感交流的節日,就算在外地念書或工作,無法趕回家一起團聚,也會傳些祝福語或打 ...
珍珠奶茶幾乎每家手搖飲料店都會賣,其實這在台灣超夯的珍珠奶茶早就已經紅到世界各國去了,甚至還成為 2009 年夏季聽障奧林匹克運動會閉幕式指定特色茶飲,美國還有業者在 2018 年聯合將 4/30 訂為美國的國家珍珠奶茶日「National Bubble Tea Day」呢!有沒 ...