Taste Buds
Taste buds are specialized sensory organs on the tongue that detect different flavors.
味蕾是位於舌頭上的專門感覺器官,用於檢測不同的味道。 -
Sweet, sour, salty, and bitter are the four primary taste sensations detected by taste buds.
甜、酸、鹹和苦是由味蕾檢測到的四種主要味覺感覺。 -
Spicy and umami are additional taste sensations that some taste buds can detect.
辣味和鮮味是一些味蕾能夠檢測到的額外味覺感覺。 -
Taste buds play a crucial role in our perception of food and contribute to our overall dining experience.
味蕾在我們對食物的感知中起著關鍵作用,並且對我們的整體用餐體驗有所貢獻。 -
Some people have more sensitive taste buds, allowing them to detect subtle flavors in food.
有些人的味蕾更為敏感,可以檢測食物中的細微味道。 -
Age and genetics can influence the number and sensitivity of taste buds.
年齡和基因可以影響味蕾的數量和敏感度。 -
Certain foods can temporarily dull or overload taste buds, affecting our ability to taste accurately.
某些食物可能暫時減弱或過度刺激味蕾,影響我們的準確品味能力。 -
Taste buds are connected to the brain through taste receptors, transmitting signals about flavors.
味蕾通過味覺受體與大腦相連,傳遞有關味道的信號。 -
The sense of smell also plays a significant role in how taste buds perceive flavors.
嗅覺也在味蕾感知味道方面扮演著重要角色。 -
Professional chefs and sommeliers often undergo training to develop and refine their taste buds.
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