[動詞] analyze
She conducted a thorough analysis of the market trends before making an investment.
她在投資前對市場趨勢進行了深入分析。 -
The financial analyst provided a detailed analysis of the company's quarterly earnings report.
財務分析師提供了對公司季度收益報告的詳細分析。 -
He used data analysis software to analyze customer preferences and buying habits.
他使用資料分析軟體來分析客戶偏好和購買習慣。 -
The research team is currently conducting an analysis of consumer spending patterns.
研究小組目前正在進行消費者支出模式的分析。 -
The economic analysis suggests a slowdown in the housing market.
經濟分析表明房地產市場正在放緩。 -
She presented her analysis of the company's growth prospects to the board of directors.
她向董事會展示了對公司發展前景的分析。 -
The market analysis indicates a shift towards digital marketing strategies.
市場分析表明趨向於數位行銷策略。 -
The risk analysis highlighted potential vulnerabilities in the business model.
風險分析突出了商業模式的潛在脆弱性。 -
He specializes in financial analysis, providing insights into investment opportunities.
他專精於財務分析,提供對投資機會的洞察。 -
The data analysis revealed a correlation between advertising expenditure and sales revenue.

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