- Gold is often seen as a symbol of wealth and prosperity.
黃金通常被視為財富和繁榮的象徵。 - Investors consider gold a safe haven during times of economic uncertainty.
投資者在經濟不確定時期認為黃金是一個安全的避風港。 - She wears a stunning gold necklace for special occasions.
她在特殊場合戴上一條令人驚艷的黃金項鏈。 - The price of gold has reached a record high this year.
今年黃金的價格達到了歷史新高。 - Gold is used in the production of electronics and medical devices.
黃金被用於電子產品和醫療設備的製造。 - The jewelry store sells a wide variety of gold rings and bracelets.
這家珠寶店出售各種各樣的黃金戒指和手鐲。 - Central banks around the world hold significant reserves of gold.
世界各國的中央銀行擁有大量的黃金儲備。 - Gold mining is an important industry in many countries.
黃金採礦是許多國家重要的產業之一。 - He received a gold medal for his outstanding performance in the competition.
他因在比賽中表現優異而獲得了一枚金牌。 - Many ancient civilizations valued gold for its rarity and beauty.
中文說的「機會」的英文有兩個常見的詞語,分別是 chance 和 opportunity,它們在使用上有些微差別,許多人經常搞錯,用錯就說不出道地的英文了,以下是它們的主要分別,一起來看看:
Chance 更常用於描述一個事件發生的可能性,通常是偶 ...
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