複數形態 bakeries
- She bought a loaf of freshly baked bread from the bakery.
她從麵包店買了一條新鮮出爐的麵包。 - The bakery was filled with the aroma of freshly baked pastries.
麵包店裡充滿了新鮮烘焙糕點的香氣。 - They enjoyed a variety of croissants and danishes from the bakery.
他們享用了麵包店裡各式各樣的牛角麵包和丹麥酥皮點心。 - He worked at the bakery, waking up early to prepare the dough for the day.
他在麵包店工作,早起準備當天的麵團。 - The bakery specializes in artisanal bread, made with traditional methods.
這家麵包店專門製作工藝麵包,使用傳統的製作方法。 - She learned how to make sourdough bread during a baking class at the bakery.
她在麵包店的烘焙課上學會了如何製作酸麵包。 - They bought a cake from the bakery for their friend's birthday celebration.
他們從麵包店買了一個蛋糕為他們朋友的生日慶祝活動。 - The bakery offered a variety of gluten-free options for customers with dietary restrictions.
麵包店為有特殊飲食需求的顧客提供了各種無麩質的選擇。 - He often stopped by the bakery on his way home from work to pick up a baguette.
他常常在下班回家的路上順便途經麵包店,買一根法棍。 - The bakery's display case was filled with colorful macarons and delicate pastries.
甜點在英文中是 dessert,泛指餐後的甜食或各種甜食,包含各種蛋糕、布丁、奶酪....等。而糕點的英文是 pastry,通常指由麵粉、奶油、糖等材料製作而成的甜點,如酥皮、蛋糕、餅乾、鬆餅等,總體來說,糕點是甜點的一個子集,涵蓋的範圍更窄,形式也比較特定。
甜點 des ...
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許多人都很好奇熱狗的英文為什麼叫 hot dog?其實這個問題已經疑惑人們超過一世紀了,因為熱狗的起源超過百年,要追溯真正的起源有很大的困難,而西方人也稱這種像香腸的食物為 hot dog 很久了,經過百年的改變,熱狗已經有了多種不同的型態,除了傳統的整根肉棒像香腸或臘腸的熱狗, ...