coriander, cilantro,香菜也有香芹、巴西利、巴西里、洋香菜、歐芹、洋芫荽、番芫荽、荷蘭芹等中文名稱
- Parsley is a vegetable that is often used to season food.
香菜是一種常用來替食物調味的蔬菜。 -
Some people are very afraid of the taste of parsley.
有些人很害怕香菜的味道。 -
Almost all countries in the world are suitable for growing parsley.
幾乎全世界大部分的國家都適合栽種香菜。 -
Parsley often appears in many dishes.
香菜常出現在許多料理上。 -
The chef sprinkled some parsley on the sakura shrimp glutinous oil rice to make it taste better.
廚師在櫻花蝦油飯上灑了一些香菜讓味道更好。 -
Some people think that if there is less parsley, pork ball soup will lose its deliciousness.
有些人認為如果少了香菜,貢丸湯就會失去美味。 -
Many people do not know that parsley actually has medicinal value.
許多人都不知道香菜其實有藥用價值。 -
Parsley has a very unique smell.
香菜有一種很獨特的氣味。 -
The cultivation of parsley takes only over a month from the start of the seedling to the time it can be harvested.
香菜的栽培從育苗開始到可以採收只需要一個多月。 -
Taiwan's climate is very suitable for growing parsley.
台灣人愛滷味,走在城市裡,經常可以看到好吃的滷味店有很多人在夾滷味,夜市裡面更不用說,有些滷味攤就是特別便宜又好吃,遠近馳名,買滷味早就成為台灣的特色文化之一,不過在歐美沒有我們台灣傳統用醬油(soy sauce)滷的這種滷味,所以必須從中文翻譯過去才能比較貼切。
台灣人的滷味 ...