The rain was gentle and refreshing, perfect for a leisurely walk.
雨水柔和而清新,非常適合悠閒地散步。 -
The farmers were relieved to see the rain finally arrive after a long drought.
長期旱災後,農民們終於松了一口氣,看到雨水降臨。 -
We decided to stay indoors due to the heavy rain outside.
由於室外傾盆而下的大雨,我們決定待在室內。 -
The raindrops tapped gently on the window pane, creating a soothing sound.
雨點輕輕敲打著窗玻璃,發出舒緩的聲音。 -
The rain washed away the dust, leaving the streets clean and fresh.
雨水沖刷著灰塵,使街道變得乾淨又清新。 -
It's best to carry an umbrella with you during the rainy season to stay dry.
在雨季最好隨身攜帶一把雨傘,保持乾燥。 -
The children laughed and played in the rain, enjoying the simple joy it brought.
孩子們在雨中笑著玩耍,享受著它帶來的簡單喜悅。 -
The rainforest is characterized by its abundant rainfall and diverse ecosystem.
雨林以降雨量豐富和多樣化的生態系統為特徵。 -
The garden plants looked vibrant and refreshed after the much-needed rain.
經過這場急需的雨水,花園裡的植物看起來生氣勃勃、精神抖擻。 -
We postponed the outdoor picnic due to the forecast of heavy rain.
Rainy day: 這是最直接且常見的表達方式,指的是一整天都在下雨的天氣。
Rainy weather: 描述一段時間內持續的雨天 ...
哈密瓜又稱為哈蜜瓜,是一種來自葫蘆科植物的水果,其學名為Cucumis melo var. reticulatus,學名總是複雜的,我們只要記得英文名稱 Cantaloupe 就很夠用了,哈密瓜在夏季生長,其外形通常呈現圓形或橢圓形,果皮表面光滑,呈現黃色至橙色,並帶有淡淡的網狀 ...