[名詞] flowering
The cherry blossoms are starting to bloom, painting the landscape with delicate pink hues.
櫻花開始綻放,用淡淡的粉色色調點綴著風景。 -
Spring is the season when the trees burst into bloom, filling the air with sweet fragrances.
春天是樹木綻放的季節,將空氣填滿了甜美的芬芳。 -
The roses in the garden have begun to flower, creating a riot of colors.
花園裡的玫瑰開始開花了,營造出一片繽紛的色彩。 -
The apple trees are in full bloom, attracting bees and other pollinators.
蘋果樹開滿了花,吸引著蜜蜂和其他授粉者。 -
The magnolia tree is a sight to behold when it bursts into magnificent white blooms.
玉蘭樹開花時,呈現出壯麗的白色花朵,令人嘆為觀止。 -
The daffodils have bloomed early this year, announcing the arrival of spring.
水仙花今年開花得早,宣告了春天的到來。 -
The cherry trees are in bud, ready to burst into bloom at any moment.
櫻桃樹已經冒出花苞,隨時準備綻放。 -
The lilac bushes are beginning to flower, filling the garden with their sweet, heady scent.
紫丁香灌木開始開花了,讓花園充滿了它們甜蜜、撲鼻的芳香。 -
Every spring, the fields are carpeted with wildflowers as they burst into full bloom.
每年春天,野花開滿了田野,如地毯般綻放。 -
The azaleas are known for their vibrant colors when they bloom in the early summer months.
原始圖片由 TripperWay 旅遊授權使用
每年春天就是櫻花盛開的季節,台灣人很喜歡櫻花,在台灣各地幾乎都看得到櫻花的身影,如果單純說到櫻花,英文直接稱為 Cherry blossoms 就可以了,cherry 指的是櫻這種植物的統稱,cherry 的種類很多,包含我們常吃 ...
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