get away from
Sometimes, I just want to get away from the city and enjoy the countryside.
有時候,我只想遠離都市,享受鄉村生活。 -
The beach is the perfect place to get away from the hustle and bustle of daily life.
海灘是遠離日常生活喧囂的理想之地。 -
He went to a remote island to escape from the stress of work.
他去了一個偏遠的島嶼,逃避工作的壓力。 -
The hiking trail led us to a tranquil spot, far away from civilization.
徒步小徑把我們帶到一個宁靜的地方,遠離了文明世界。 -
This mountain cabin is the perfect place to escape the city noise and enjoy nature.
這座山中小屋是遠離都市噪音、享受大自然的完美地方。 -
The resort offers a serene environment, allowing guests to get away from their busy lives.
這家度假村提供寧靜的環境,讓客人遠離繁忙的生活。 -
They decided to get away from it all and go on a relaxing vacation.
他們決定遠離一切,去度過一個輕鬆的假期。 -
The secluded cabin in the woods provides a peaceful retreat to get away from the world.
森林中的隱蔽小屋提供了一個遠離世界的平靜避所。 -
She needed a break from her routine, so she took a weekend trip to get away from it all.
她需要休息一下,所以她去度過了一個週末,遠離一切。 -
The family decided to escape the summer heat and get away to a cooler destination.
流星的成因是來自太陽系內外太空的塵埃粒子或固體碎塊,在受到地球引力的吸引下,進入地球大氣層,與大氣層中的空氣摩擦燃燒,而發出耀眼光芒的現象,這種外太空衝進地球的塊狀物質在英文裡有兩種說法,分別是 meteor 及 meteorite,這兩者的解釋不同,一個是流 ...
清明節(Qingming Festival 或 Ching Ming festival)是臺灣非常重要的一個節日,其實清明原本只是二十四節氣之一,在春分之後,穀雨之前,時間為每年陽曆4月4日或5日太陽到達黃經15°時開始,通常落在國曆4月4日或4月5日其中一天,經過數千年 ...