- Initially, the project faced some resistance from stakeholders.
起初,這個項目面臨了來自利益相關者的一些阻力。 - The company initially struggled to find its target audience.
這家公司起初在找到目標受眾方面遇到了困難。 - Initially, the team encountered technical challenges in developing the product.
起初,團隊在產品開發方面遇到了技術挑戰。 - The idea was initially met with skepticism but later gained support.
這個想法起初受到懷疑,但後來獲得了支持。 - Initially, the startup operated from a small shared office space.
起初,這家新創事業在一個小的共享辦公空間運營。 - The project initially faced budget constraints, but additional funding was secured later.
這個項目起初面臨預算限制,但後來獲得了額外的資金支持。 - Initially, the team lacked experience, but they quickly adapted and improved.
起初,團隊缺乏經驗,但他們迅速適應並進步了。 - The company initially focused on local markets before expanding internationally.
這家公司起初專注於本地市場,後來擴展到國際市場。 - Initially, the product received mixed reviews, but updates improved its performance.
起初,這個產品收到了好壞參半的評論,但更新後其性能得到了改進。 - The startup's team was small initially, but it grew as the company expanded.
許多人都很好奇熱狗的英文為什麼叫 hot dog?其實這個問題已經疑惑人們超過一世紀了,因為熱狗的起源超過百年,要追溯真正的起源有很大的困難,而西方人也稱這種像香腸的食物為 hot dog 很久了,經過百年的改變,熱狗已經有了多種不同的型態,除了傳統的整根肉棒像香腸或臘腸的熱狗, ...
橄欖油是橄欖樹的果實(就是橄欖)經過壓榨後所取得的食用油(edible oil),高品質的橄欖油是地中海飲食中不可缺少的角色,橄欖油的英文通常就稱為olive oil,不過這是概稱,實際上,橄欖油還根據橄欖本身的品質及榨取次數,區分為多個不同的等級,不同等級的橄欖油會有不同的油品 ...