negative 也可以當名詞使用
- The news had a negative impact on the stock market.
這則消息對股市產生了負面影響。 - I try to avoid negative people who always complain.
我努力避免總是抱怨的負面人士。 - The movie received mostly negative reviews from critics.
這部電影在評論家中獲得了大多數的負面評論。 - Negative thoughts can hinder personal growth and happiness.
負面的想法可能阻礙個人成長和幸福。 - The company's financial performance showed a negative trend this quarter.
這家公司本季度的財務業績呈現負面趨勢。 - He has a negative attitude towards change and is resistant to new ideas.
他對改變持負面態度,對新觀念抱持抗拒態度。 - The negative effects of pollution on the environment are evident.
污染對環境的負面影響是顯而易見的。 - It's important to challenge negative beliefs and replace them with positive ones.
挑戰負面信念並用積極的信念取而代之是很重要的。 - The negative emotions I experienced after the breakup were overwhelming.
分手後我經歷了壓倒性的負面情緒。 - The team's poor performance had a negative impact on their chances of winning the championship.
插隊是一種令人討厭的行為,也是一種沒有公德心的行為,在公共場合排隊是一種基本禮貌,然而,插隊這種行為在全世界都會發生,我們要知道插隊的英文怎麼說,除了可以糾正插隊的人,還可以在自己不小心插隊,別人提醒我們時,我們自己可以聽得懂,插隊的英文最常見的說法是 cut in line。
Money makes the world go round.
字面上的意思是錢使世界運轉,類似有錢能使鬼推磨的概 ...
我們通常對於很迷一個物品、事情或人物,經常說「迷上了...某人事物」,這裡的「迷上了」在英文裡可以用哪些說法來表達呢?這裡分享幾個常見的說法:obsessed with + 受詞hooked on + 受詞addicted to + 受詞(形容沉迷於某事物)be overcomm ...