I enjoy reading beautiful poems that touch my heart.
我喜歡閱讀能觸動我內心的美麗詩歌。 -
She is a talented poet who has published several collections of poetry.
她是一位才華橫溢的詩人,已經出版了幾本詩集。 -
Poetry allows us to express our emotions and thoughts in a creative and artistic way.
詩歌讓我們能以創造性和藝術性的方式表達情感和思想。 -
His poems are filled with vivid imagery and deep meaning.
他的詩作充滿著生動的意象和深刻的含義。 -
Writing poetry is a cathartic process that helps me make sense of my emotions.
寫詩是一個能幫助我理解情感的宣洩過程。 -
The beauty of poetry lies in its ability to capture the essence of a moment or an experience.
詩歌之美在於它能捕捉一個瞬間或一個經歷的精髓。 -
Poetry has the power to inspire and move people in profound ways.
詩歌有著深遠的力量,能啟發人們並感動他們。 -
I like to recite poetry aloud to appreciate the rhythm and musicality of the words.
我喜歡大聲朗讀詩歌,以欣賞詞句的節奏和音樂性。 -
Poetry can serve as a form of escapism, allowing us to enter a world of imagination and beauty.
詩歌可以作為一種逃避現實的形式,讓我們進入一個充滿想像力和美麗的世界。 -
The poet's words resonated with me, as they beautifully captured the essence of human emotions.
端午節不只是東亞生活圈的重要節日,也是臺灣人闔家團圓的一個重要節日,端午節的日期是每年的農曆五月五日,大約是國曆的六月份,西方世界也有許多人會想認識我們的端午節,這篇就來幫大家介紹端午節常用到的一些英文說法,也許在英文寫作或與外國朋友聊天時可以用得上,本篇文章以端午節的由來及習俗 ...
復活節是基督教非常重要的一個節日,拉丁語為Pascha,英文則為Easter,最早的復活節與基督教的逾越節(Passover)是同一天,後來在西元四世紀時,教會將復活節的日期改為每年春分月圓之後第一個星期日,而復活節的目的是紀念耶穌基督被釘在十字架上後,死而復活的事蹟,為了讓大家 ...