We need to find a way to resolve this conflict peacefully.
我們需要找到一種和平解決這個衝突的方法。 -
The team worked together to solve the problem and find a solution.
團隊共同努力解決問題,找到解決方案。 -
It is important to address and resolve the underlying issues to prevent future problems.
重要的是解決潛在問題,以防止未來問題的出現。 -
The mediator helped facilitate communication and resolve the dispute between the two parties.
調解人幫助促進溝通,解決了雙方之間的爭端。 -
We need to take immediate action to solve this urgent issue.
我們需要立即采取行動解決這個緊急問題。 -
The committee was formed to find solutions and resolve the challenges facing the organization.
委員會成立以尋找解決方案,解決組織面臨的挑戰。 -
The government implemented new policies to solve the economic crisis.
政府實施了新的政策來解決經濟危機。 -
They had a meeting to discuss the issue and find ways to resolve it.
他們開會討論這個問題,尋找解決辦法。 -
The research team conducted experiments to solve the scientific problem.
研究團隊進行實驗來解決這個科學問題。 -
Collaboration and teamwork are crucial to solving complex problems.
原始圖片由 TripperWay 旅遊授權使用
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