solve problems
We need to find a way to solve this problem.
我們需要找到一種解決這個問題的方法。 -
Problem-solving skills are essential in the workplace.
在職場上,解決問題的能力是必不可少的。 -
We have a team dedicated to problem-solving.
我們有一個專門負責解決問題的團隊。 -
Effective problem-solving requires analytical thinking and creativity.
有效的解決問題需要分析思維和創造力。 -
He is known for his ability to quickly solve complex problems.
他以迅速解決複雜問題的能力而聞名。 -
Problem-solving techniques can be learned and developed over time.
解決問題的技巧可以隨著時間的推移學習和發展。 -
The committee has been tasked with solving the ongoing issues.
委員會被指派解決持續存在的問題。 -
Collaboration and communication are key to problem-solving.
合作和溝通是解決問題的關鍵。 -
We need to brainstorm ideas to come up with a solution.
我們需要集思廣益,提出解決方案的想法。 -
The project manager is responsible for overseeing problem-solving efforts.
原始圖片由 TripperWay 旅遊授權使用
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