Western Countries
- Many tourists dream of visiting Western countries like France, Italy, and the United States.
許多遊客夢想著存取像法國、義大利和美國這樣的西方國家。 - The education system in Western countries emphasizes critical thinking and creativity.
西方國家的教育制度強調批判性思維和創造力。 - Western countries often have democratic political systems and respect for human rights.
西方國家通常擁有民主政治制度,並尊重人權。 - Many Western countries have diverse cultures and traditions due to immigration and globalization.
許多西方國家由於移民和全球化,擁有多樣化的文化和傳統。 - The cuisine in Western countries varies greatly, from Italian pasta to American burgers.
西方國家的美食各不相同,從義大利麵到美國漢堡包應有盡有。 - Western countries often lead in technological innovation and scientific research.
西方國家在技術創新和科學研究方面常居領先地位。 - The legal systems in Western countries are based on principles of justice and fairness.
西方國家的法律制度基於公正和公平的原則。 - English is commonly spoken in many Western countries as either a first or second language.
在許多西方國家,英語通常是第一或第二語言。 - Western countries often have strong economies with well-developed industries and infrastructure.
西方國家通常擁有強大的經濟,發展完善的產業和基礎設施。 - The arts and entertainment industries thrive in many Western countries, producing globally influential movies, music, and literature.
最近又到了年底要發年終獎金的時刻了,相信許多辛苦一整年,績效表現良好的員工們都很期待這筆可以犒賞自己的年終了吧!?其實在國外也有很多公司會發年終獎金,所謂年終獎金的英文最常見的說法是 year-end bonus,其中 year-end 表示「年終」,bonus 表示「獎金、 ...
萬聖節是許多西方國家在每年十月最重要的節日之一,包含美國、加拿大、澳洲、英國、紐西蘭都很盛行萬聖節,隨著東西方文化交流也讓萬聖節成為了台灣蠻多人會在過的節日(這大概也要歸功於商人吧!?),特別是年輕族群或幼兒園幾乎都會有萬聖節活動,每到萬聖節前夕,許多街頭廣場、大賣場、百貨公司 ...