Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is known for its soothing properties and is often used in skincare products.
蘆薈以其舒緩的特性而聞名,常常用於護膚產品中。 -
You can apply aloe vera gel to sunburned skin for relief.
你可以將蘆薈膠塗抹在曬傷的皮膚上以獲得緩解。 -
Aloe vera is a natural moisturizer that helps keep your skin hydrated.
蘆薈是一種天然的保濕劑,有助於保持皮膚水潤。 -
This lotion contains a high concentration of aloe vera extract.
這款乳液含有高濃度的蘆薈提取物。 -
Aloe vera is a popular choice for treating minor cuts and burns.
蘆薈是治療輕微割傷和燒傷的熱門選擇。 -
The aloe vera plant has thick, succulent leaves filled with gel.
蘆薈植物有厚厚多汁的葉子,充滿了凝膠。 -
Many facial masks contain aloe vera to soothe and refresh the skin.
許多面膜中含有蘆薈,可以舒緩和提神皮膚。 -
Aloe vera can be used as a natural conditioner for your hair.
蘆薈可以用作天然護髮素。 -
Aloe vera is often recommended for treating dry, flaky scalp.
蘆薈常常被推薦用來治療乾燥、脫屑的頭皮。 -
The cooling sensation of aloe vera gel can provide relief from insect bites.
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