alfalfa sprout名詞
- Alfalfa sprouts are high in fiber, low in fat and rich in protein.
苜蓿芽高纖低脂、蛋白質含量豐富。 -
Not everyone is suitable for eating alfalfa sprouts.
並非所有人皆適合食用苜蓿芽。 -
The alfalfa sprouts has a higher protein content than other beans.
苜蓿芽的蛋白質含量高於其他豆類。 -
Alfalfa sprouts contain minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium and magnesium.
苜蓿芽含有鈣、磷、鐵、鈉、鉀、鎂等礦物質。 -
Alfalfa sprouts contain vitamins A, B, C, and E.
苜蓿芽含有維生素A、B群、C、E。 -
Alfalfa sprouts contain natural toxic ingredients.
苜蓿芽含天然有毒成分。 -
Ingestion of a large number of alfalfa sprouts may destroy various human blood cells.
攝取大量苜蓿芽可能會破壞人類各種血球細胞。 -
Patients with renal insufficiency are not suitable for eating alfalfa sprouts.
腎功能不全的患者不適合吃苜蓿芽。 -
People with poor digestive system are not suitable for eating alfalfa sprouts.
消化系統不良的民眾不適合吃苜蓿芽。 -
Experts suggest that people should not only eat alfalfa sprouts, but should have a balanced diet.
豆芽菜是日常飲食中常見的食材,主要分為綠色的豆苗與白色的豆芽菜這兩種,這兩種蔬菜除了看起來的顏色與樣貌不同之外,吃起來的口感與營養也都不一樣,先來看看它們的英文分別要怎麼說:豆苗:bean seedling豆芽:bean sprout廣義來說,所謂的豆苗是指豆類植物的幼苗,bea ...
說到台灣的早餐,當然不能少了蛋餅(egg pancake roll)這一味,傳統的蛋餅就是蛋餅皮與雞蛋這兩種主要食材在平底鍋上煎,不過現在 的早餐店已經研發出各式各樣不同口味的蛋餅,在蛋餅中夾了不同的食材,例如火腿、起司、肉鬆、玉米粒、海苔、苜蓿芽、生菜... 等,各式各樣的食材 ...