Fatty Acids
Fatty acids are essential components of our diet and play a crucial role in various bodily functions.
脂肪酸是我們飲食的必要成分,對多種身體功能起著關鍵作用。 -
Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish and flaxseeds, are known for their anti-inflammatory properties.
在魚類和亞麻籽中發現的Ω-3脂肪酸以其抗炎特性而聞名。 -
Saturated fatty acids are commonly found in animal products and can contribute to elevated cholesterol levels.
飽和脂肪酸常見於動物產品中,可能導致膽固醇水平升高。 -
The body can synthesize certain fatty acids, while others need to be obtained from the diet.
人體可以合成某些脂肪酸,而其他脂肪酸需要從飲食中獲得。 -
Trans fatty acids, often found in processed foods, are associated with an increased risk of heart disease.
反式脂肪酸常見於加工食品中,與心臟病風險增加有關。 -
Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, which are considered heart-healthy.
橄欖油富含單元不飽和脂肪酸,被認為對心臟有益。 -
Fatty acids are classified into saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated types.
脂肪酸分為飽和、單元不飽和和多元不飽和類型。 -
Including sources of healthy fatty acids in your diet, such as avocados and nuts, is important for overall health.
在飲食中包括健康脂肪酸的來源,如酪梨和堅果,對整體健康很重要。 -
Some fatty acids are used by the body to produce energy, while others are involved in cell structure.
一些脂肪酸被身體用於產生能量,而其他脂肪酸參與細胞結構。 -
The balance of different types of fatty acids in the diet can impact health outcomes.
酪梨又被稱為牛油果,英文名稱為 Avocado,是一種廣受歡迎的水果,以其獨特的口感和營養價值而受到喜愛,在台灣的水果店、超市、大賣場經常出現,酪梨外表呈橢圓形或梨形,表皮綠色或紫色,有時帶有粗糙的表面,有時候則是光滑的,內部果肉柔軟,呈奶油狀,具有淡淡的均衡風味。
酪梨的營養 ...
好像一到過年大家聚在一起就要嗑瓜子,一邊嗑瓜子一邊聊天,再順便喝杯茶,台灣人過年愛吃的瓜子通常有三種,分別是南瓜子、葵瓜子及西瓜子,你喜歡吃哪一種呢?這三種瓜子來自不同的植物,它們的英文名稱也都不一樣,不過共同的地方是都會用到 seed 這個英文單字,seed 的意思是植物的種子 ...