Farmers apply fertilizers to enrich the soil and provide essential nutrients to crops.
農夫們施用肥料來豐富土壤,為作物提供必要的營養。 -
Organic fertilizers, such as compost and manure, are derived from natural sources.
有機肥料,如堆肥和糞肥,是來自自然來源的。 -
Balanced fertilization is key to ensuring healthy plant growth and optimal yields.
平衡施肥是確保植物健康生長和最佳產量的關鍵。 -
Fertilizers can be categorized into nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium-based types.
肥料可以分為氮、磷和鉀基礎的類型。 -
Some plants require specific types of fertilizers at different growth stages.
一些植物在不同的生長階段需要特定類型的肥料。 -
Slow-release fertilizers provide nutrients to plants gradually over an extended period.
緩釋肥料在長時間內逐漸向植物提供營養。 -
Excessive use of fertilizers can lead to nutrient runoff and environmental pollution.
過度使用肥料可能導致營養流失和環境污染。 -
Farmers need to consider soil type and crop requirements when choosing fertilizers.
農夫在選擇肥料時需要考慮土壤類型和作物需求。 -
Liquid fertilizers are often used for foliar feeding to provide nutrients directly to leaves.
液體肥料常用於葉面施肥,直接為葉片提供營養。 -
The availability of quality fertilizers is crucial for successful agricultural production.
哈密瓜又稱為哈蜜瓜,是一種來自葫蘆科植物的水果,其學名為Cucumis melo var. reticulatus,學名總是複雜的,我們只要記得英文名稱 Cantaloupe 就很夠用了,哈密瓜在夏季生長,其外形通常呈現圓形或橢圓形,果皮表面光滑,呈現黃色至橙色,並帶有淡淡的網狀 ...
好像一到過年大家聚在一起就要嗑瓜子,一邊嗑瓜子一邊聊天,再順便喝杯茶,台灣人過年愛吃的瓜子通常有三種,分別是南瓜子、葵瓜子及西瓜子,你喜歡吃哪一種呢?這三種瓜子來自不同的植物,它們的英文名稱也都不一樣,不過共同的地方是都會用到 seed 這個英文單字,seed 的意思是植物的種子 ...